Let's Talk About Artist Burnout

It is real, and it affects us all at some point or another.

I have been feeling it for the last two months.

Life happens; it’s hard for me to take time to create when I’m overwhelmed by everything else in my life. Burnout is a normal part of being a human, and taking time to recharge needs to be seen as just as normal. Especially on platforms like Instagram where content is demanded at such a large rate, it’s hard not to feel guilty for taking a step back now and again.

If I’m not creating content, do I even exist?! This train of thought has haunted me since November. I have felt guilty for not posting as much as I had in the past. But I wasn’t about to sacrifice a much-needed break for a stupid algorithm.

Now that the holidays are over and I have sufficiently rested, I am looking forward to getting back into the studio. I expect a slow start (my motivation is still pretty low), but with new inspiration, I see there’s work to be done!